Each module in grades K-2 is comprised of two one-hour blocks of content-based literacy (Module Lessons and K-2 Labs) and the third hour of structured phonics (K-2 Reading Foundations Skills Block). Together, these three hours of curriculum teach and formally assess all strands of the Language Arts standards for each grade level.
Each module in our grades 3-5 second edition curriculum consists of two one-hour blocks of content-based literacy instruction. Together, these two hours of curriculum teach and formally assess all strands of the Language Arts standards for each grade level.
Module In English Grade 8 3rd Quarter.pdfl
Download Zip: https://urlgoal.com/2vBCDI
Each module in our grades 6-8 second edition curriculum consists of a 45-minute block of content-based literacy instruction. Built to the needs of middle school learners, our new block teaches and assesses all of the Language Arts standards for each grade level. 2ff7e9595c